- Candidates may download the application forms and prospectus from ILBS website www.ilbs.in.
- Application form duly filled in with all necessary documents attached should be submitted in person or sent by post to the Associate Dean, Institute of Liver & Biliary Sciences (ILBS), D-1, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, 110 070, on or before the prescribed date along with a Demand Draft for Rs. 2500/- (Rupees Two thousand five hundred only) payable at New Delhi, in favor of the “Director, ILBS, New Delhi”.
- Application fee once paid will not be refunded even in case of his/her application is rejected.
- The Institute will not be responsible for non-receipt of applications or delay in postal transit.
- Before sending the application it is the responsibility of the candidate to ascertain whether they possess the requisite qualification for admission. Having been called for the entrance test does not mean acceptance of eligibility. Selection of the candidate will not be final unless the original certificates are verified and found correct and the fees are paid.
- Application form should be filled up carefully by the applicant in his/her own handwriting and no column should be left blank or incomplete. Defective applications will be rejected.
- Full name of the candidate as seen in the school records should be given in the application and all other related forms should also be enclosed and specify the correspondence address and contact phone numbers.
- All information given in the application form should be correct. Any false information or suppression of any factual information in the application would be a disqualification. In case any false information is furnished or that suppression of any factual information comes to the notice during any time of the course, he/she would be liable for appropriate disciplinary action including termination.